Fotograf Brunnenstraße 192 B0.1
Portrait, Akt, Mode, Katalog, Beauty, Celebrity, Werbung
Brunnenstraße 192 B0.1
10119 Berlin
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Infos Fotograf Brunnenstraße 192 B0.1:
Berlin-based, award-winning pro photographer since 2005. Burak Bulut Yıldırım is an official Sony Europe Imaging Ambassador from 2018 to 2024. Member of federation of professional portrait photographers- BPP. He also holds an International Artist card issued by the German International Fine Arts Society (IGBK).Kunden:
2005-2024: BLA BLA CAR, IKEA, SIEMENS, DUREX, HENKEL, PANDORA...Arbeitsbereiche:
Portraitfotograf, Aktfotograf, Modefotograf / Katalog, Beautyfotograf, Celebrity - Fotograf, Werbefotograf