Fotograf Harry Vorsteher
People, Portrait, Mode, Katalog, Beauty, Celebrity, Werbung
Bogenstrasse 17
40227 Düsseldorf
0211 7332959
0170 1812534
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Infos Fotograf Harry Vorsteher:
Harry Vorsteher was born 1959 in Berlin.After the studies of photography and
graphic design he stayed for three years
in Milan and New York. various positions
as photo assistant working with well-
known photographers gave him the
chance to gain experience. 1988 he made
his way to a self-employed photographer.
Today Harry is based in Düsseldorf and
works for international clients world-
wide, commercially and editorially.
Taking natural and individual images is
his main motivation. The results are char-
acterized by his unique sensitivity and
creativity, striving for the perfect
moment, frozen into the one picture.
Peoplefotograf, Portraitfotograf, Modefotograf / Katalog, Beautyfotograf, Celebrity - Fotograf, Werbefotograf